Christophe Paoli

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Papier accepté dans la revue Solar Energy

Pays/territoire : 20250 Corte, France
Un de nos papiers vient d'être accepté pour publication dans la revue "Solar Energy" de l'"International Solar Energy Society", éditée par Elsevier.

Title of the paper : Forecasting of preprocessed daily solar radiation time series using neural networks

Authors : Christophe Paoli, Cyril Voyant, Marc Muselli, Marie-Laure Nivet

Abstract :  In this paper, we present an application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in the renewable energy domain. We particularly look at the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) network which has been the most used of ANNs architectures both in the renewable energy domain and in the time series forecasting. We have used a MLP and an ad-hoc time series preprocessing to develop a methodology for the daily prediction of global solar radiation on a horizontal surface. First results are promising with nRMSE ~ 21% and RMSE ~ 3.59 MJ/m². The optimized MLP presents predictions similar to or even better than conventional and reference methods such as ARIMA techniques, Bayesian inference, Markov chains and k-Nearest-Neighbors. Moreover we found that the data preprocessing approach proposed can reduce significantly forecasting errors of about 6% compared to conventional prediction methods such as Markov chains or Bayes inferences. The simulator proposed has been obtained using 19 years of available data from the meteorological station of Ajaccio (Corsica Island, France, 41°55'N, 8°44'E, 4 m above mean sea level). The predicted whole methodology has been validated on a 1.175 kWc mono-Si PV power grid. Six prediction methods (ANN, clear sky model, combination …) allow to predict the best daily DC PV power production at horizon d+1. The cumulated DC PV energy on a 6-months period shows a great agreement between simulated and measured data (R² > 0.99 and nRMSE < 2%).

Keywords: Time Series Forecasting, Preprocessing, Artificial Neural Networks, PV Plant Energy Prediction.


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